Why are you contradicting yourself?

 This is a rant page about work.

What's different between a big company (MNC) and a small local company? One has a proper system in place while the other is dynamic without a proper system.

There are pros and cons in those, of course MNC gives better benefits as it's large and able to support large number of employees. Small local company, on the other hand, needs so much help to survive.

First thing first, no one knows what the small company does and hesitate to enter it. Unfortunately, Malaysians are not the brightest bunch, and they do not have the concept of value vs money. To put it bluntly, Malaysians are simply narrow-minded. I can't speak for all Malaysians, but I can see that most are that way.

Being tied down by money and commitments are pathetic, especially when you enter that commitment without even assessing what's the future impact in your life. Not that I can blame most people, as they are probably forced to have this kind of commitments (tuition fee debt, need to raise family etc.), and they are also not intelligent enough to pull themselves out of this miserable of cycle they're living in.

Can just say that they are not intelligent but do not want to do anything to improve their lives. Because of course life will be simpler if we can just put the blame on other people (the government is not doing their job, my employer is not paying me more etc.)

I only hope these people can look at yourselves in front of the mirror and look at how pathetic you are. As for me, I try and try very hard to ignore these people, because you can't change others unless they want to make that change on their own. As long as you don't affect my life, I will just close one eye and let you be.

Ask what you can do for the country, not what the country can do for you.

Please be more useful, okay??

Don't work in one company, then keep complaining about that company not doing much for you bla bla bla. When I ask, why not you leave the company if you don't like it, then you tell me you can't because you have commitments. Okay, I accept that maybe you can't leave because you can't find another job, but this company gives you SO MUCH SPACE to increase your value! Why not use this chance to increase your value so you have something to offer to your future employer when you want to find another job? Do you think you'll improve and gain experience by complaining, then sit there and play with your phone?

Then you say, I have told the management to do this change and that bla bla bla, but when the meeting comes and there is so many chances for you to speak up, yet you decide to keep quiet and nod your head.

Why the contradiction?

Then? You expect the management to read your mind and understand what you want without you speaking up?

I'm lost for words.

I just don't think it's worth it trying to help people who don't even want to help themselves. Seriously, don't waste my time.


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